Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Monday, April 2, 2012

Small Medium Large X-L #8


Im All Wrapped Up With Calls

You won't ever have the choice to miss a call again.


Misth Professor Mayhem 

This tiny little city all for me..   !#¿?%¡


Baby-BOOM... Box
This is Rick. He grew up with three brothers and four sisters.
 Lots.. and lots of music might drown out some of the commotion.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Childhood Memories #7

Three images based on a childhood memories.

Mom, Fire.

This is actually based from a childhood memory of my own. I was two years old. I woke up one morning and decided "I" was going to make breakfast. So I hopped the baby gate into the kitchen, climbed onto the counter and started cooking....  toast. Once the toaster had finished its cycle and popped up I would push it back down again... and again... and again... See, "cooking" and where theres cooking theres fire, which didn't take long for me. Once fire started getting involved I let my mom finish the "cooking". I hopped back over the baby gate and woke up my mother. "Mom, Fire." I said calmly. My mom on the other hand, not so calm. She topped my wonderful recipe off with a measuring cup full of water. Unplugged of corse. 

Now, That's a Bowl.

You know when you save up two hundred box tops and you get some shit plastic "hot wheel"with a crap cereal advertisement stamped across it? Not anymore with our healthful adult cereal, where theres a surprise in every bowl.

Big Boy Bubble Bath

Who didn't fuck up there parents bathroom with a bubble bath?

Shadows and Reflections #6

 One image that utilizes  Shadows.
One image that utilizes Reflections.

So Clean Every Your Dirty Cloths Shine

The name says most of it. I love lighting things in ways that aren't normally seen.

This lighting concept for baskets might be used for my final.

Crayon Ammo

When a child and an adults imagination gets mixed up, reflected!

Expected and Unexpected #5

One image thats completely expected.
One image thats not what you'd expect.


Healthful  bread! 

Computer Junkie

Everyones gotta get there fix of the technological world.

Shoe and Chair #4

One image using a shoe as the main subject.
One image using a chair as the main subject.


This is how I feel "Americans" feel about animals.

Fuck that yee-haw amurica killing attitude towards animals!

May this Raccoon Settle into the earth in peace, and let her energy be recycled back into the universe.

Have A Seat, Watch Your Feet

The People upsidedownstairs weren't very pleased with all the tapping.

Objective and Subjective #3

One Image that is completely Objective, Straight Forward, Plain and simple.
One Image that is Subjective, Personal, Story Telling, Visually interesting.


As simple For the subject as possible, wile still being visually interesting.

Toilet Tray 

I was a smoker from the age of thirteen. I didn't quit until twenty days before my twentieth birthday. Thanks! To my girlfriend Victoria for giving me the drive to quit (amongst other healthy choices).

Since I don't smoke any more I road around of my skate board with a 5-galon bucket collecting the butts out of shopping center ash trays. 3-4 smelly days later I was able to fill the bowl.

Wile I was out collecting, there was a man also collecting garbage like items for recycle and let me know where I could find the toilet I needed for this project. Two birds with one stone is always nice

Plastic Bags and Gloves...