Thursday, March 29, 2012

Objective and Subjective #3

One Image that is completely Objective, Straight Forward, Plain and simple.
One Image that is Subjective, Personal, Story Telling, Visually interesting.


As simple For the subject as possible, wile still being visually interesting.

Toilet Tray 

I was a smoker from the age of thirteen. I didn't quit until twenty days before my twentieth birthday. Thanks! To my girlfriend Victoria for giving me the drive to quit (amongst other healthy choices).

Since I don't smoke any more I road around of my skate board with a 5-galon bucket collecting the butts out of shopping center ash trays. 3-4 smelly days later I was able to fill the bowl.

Wile I was out collecting, there was a man also collecting garbage like items for recycle and let me know where I could find the toilet I needed for this project. Two birds with one stone is always nice

Plastic Bags and Gloves...

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